Thursday, September 22, 2011

Task 3 & 4 of Lab 2.2.5

To summarize traceroute, it is basically a way for you to find how many "hops" it takes to go to the domain site. The Computer contacts ip-adress to send a message to the domain site, when the site receives a message; it responds back by using the direct ip-adresses it took to receive the message. When the site responds, there should be a message saying trace complete. The usefulness of the traceroute is that, you can see if a website is "up and running". Therefore, the domain owner will understand if the server of the website is working properly. Also, to know whether or not their is a problem with the server's connection with the internet, or if it's the computer.ect.
Neotrace allows you to gather detailed information about the server address. For example, you can know where the server is being held, how to contact the server's company, who is the server's company.ect. It does it by using the internet to connect to the server's ip. Just like the traceroute in the command prompt, only less limited.

Task #4:: Challenge
The problems with using traceroute is that it gives you too much personal information about the server. Depending on what the person decides what information he/she puts, can vary and risk their privacy. For Example, if i want to know where the creator of youtube lives, i could just use Neotrace and retrieve any information i want from the server. It also gives you information on how to connect to the server by seeing the # of hops. The computer will tell you how many hops and who to hop to, in order the send messages to the server ip.

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